與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 6:00 - 下午 4:30 (太平洋時間)
與 Tek 業務代表即時對談。 上班時間:上午 8:30 - 下午 5:30 (太平洋時間)
Manage Your Licenses All From Here
The Tektronix Asset Management System is your online portal for software license management. With the license manager you can:
- Check out or check in software licenses
- Browse software license inventory
- Add new users to the company account
- Purchase new software licenses*
- Extend maintenance license expiration
- Update to the latest license version
- Track license usage
- Track software orders placed
*United States customers only.

Online Store
An easy and quick software purchasing option to get up and running with the software license you need. The asset management system has a built-in online store with the following features:
- Browse software license catalog
- Request a quote
- Purchase new licenses using a credit card*
- Renew perpetual license maintenance subscription
- Browse software orders history

Trial Licenses
Need to try one of the software products? You can access a large library of trial licenses to try one of the software products before you decide to purchase a software product.
License Types
Node Locked Licenses
Node Locked Licenses are tied to a specific instrument or a personal computer based on a unique Identifier. Node Locked Licenses provide your own copy of the product on your instrument or personal computer. The product or option is permanently enabled for the instrument or Personal Computer.
Floating Licenses
Floating Licenses provide the ability to move the license from an instrument or a personal computer to another by checking in a license from an instrument or PC and checking it out to another. Floating licenses maximize your investment by offering you the ability to move software licenses from one instrument to another, to share between labs or across geography.
License Terms
The software can be used indefinitely, and maintenance is included for the first 12 months. Maintenance can be extended by purchasing a maintenance license. If maintenance expires all software options included in the bundle will be frozen to the last released version before expiration. The software will continue to work, but new software options added in an instrument update will require active maintenance.
Maintenance for software offers continuous delivery of software updates when purchased with perpetual licenses or subscription licenses. Maintenance includes new software option measurements added in a new software update (Ex: IMDA, WBG). Security enhancements, bug fixes, UI enhancements introduced in a software update can be accessed without active maintenance.
Subscription Licenses
The software can be used through the term of the license only. Software updates and support through the term of the license are included. When the subscription license expires, all features will no longer work, but a new subscription license may be purchased.
Start of Subscription/Maintenance Licenses
The start of the subscription/Maintenance license is linked to when the order is complete.