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RF Education and Teaching
You can now outfit your entire lab and add new, advanced RF topics for less than half the price of a conventional analyzer and change the RF horizon for your students: The tool you have been waiting for to easily teach beyond the basics. Add Vector analysis, frequency and phase trends, Wi-Fi demodulation and more.
Our smallest USB Spectrum Analyzer is full featured ( real-time 6.2 GHz) yet smaller than a paperback book! It is perfect for in-class or field demonstrations, lecture hall teaching as well as lab work.
It is customizable to allow you to build custom setups on your own PC without losing your settings, or use our API to import data directly to programs like MATLAB®.
Includes Tektronix 3 year warranty with worldwide support. See below to download technical documents and discover how our cutting edge spectrum analyzer can help you.
Featured Content
Spectrum Allocation Poster
A useful wall chart that puts all frequency allocations by region right in front of your eyes! Updated 2016
Improve Your Wireless and RF Classes with Live Signals
Learn how to provide students hands-on RF experience without breaking the bank
Eguide to RF Signals
Navigate the RF spectrum and gain insight into the signals around you. This piece contains detailed examples with brief movies of RF signals, their measurements, audio recording of demodulated FM, and much more.
Overcoming RF Signal Generation Challenges in Quantum Computing with New DAC Technologies White Paper
Using an AWG for direct RF complex signal generation.
Introduction to Vector Network Analyzers Basics
This paper discusses why VNAs are used and how they are unique compared to other RF test equipment.
Recommended Equipment

3 Series MDO




AWG5200 Arbitrary Waveform Generator