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Setting up a pre-compliance EMC test lab
When selecting a test site, rural areas, conference rooms, and basements are good options because they minimize external signals that might mask the DUT emission levels you are trying to measure. Other considerations for improving accuracy include having a good ground plane and reducing the number of reflective objects around the test area.
EMI and EMC testing products
The goal of EMC pre-compliance testing is to mimic the compliance test set up within an acceptable margin to uncover potential problems and reduce risk of failure prior to the expensive compliance test. EMC pre-compliance testing typically involves:
- Spectrum analyzer with quasi-peak detector
- Preamplifier (optional)
- Antenna with non-metallic stand for radiated emissions
- Line impedance stabilization network (LISN) for conducted test
- Power limiter for conducted test
- EMC near-field probes for diagnostics (optional)
- Oscilloscope with frequency and time correlation capabilities to assist in debugging (optional)
- EMC testing software
EMC testing resource center

EMC/EMI pre-compliance test solutions
Learn more about Tektronix EMC/EMI pre-compliance solutions and how to assemble a pre-compliance test setup, and get troubleshooting tips.

Financial benefits of EMI/EMC pre-compliance testing
Get an estimate of EMC testing costs and the saving you can realize when you set up an in-house pre-compliance testing solution.

Fast 3D EMC/EMI scan with Detectus scanning system and Tektronix real-time spectrum analyzers
Download this customer case study to learn how the fast-growing start-up Eggtronic used a Tektronix real-time spectrum analyzer to enable an extremely fast scan procedure to ensure their products adhere to EMC/EMI standards.

Troubleshooting EMC/EMI issues with Tektronix EMCVu
Download this application note to learn how to address common design failures early when the costs of a re-design are minimal.
Find the right pre-compliance EMC testing solution for your operation today.
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